April 8, 2010

CHANCE raises money to build a preschool

CHANCE, theCharity of Hope to Assist the Needy Children Everywhere,has partnered with the York Street Spa to host a charity hairstyling event. The event will raise money to build a preschool in Managua, Nicaragua.

CHANCE was formed by a group of dedicated professionals and students, who volunteer their free time, offering children in third-world countries the chance to have a brighter future. CHANCE’s vision is to empower children by improving, or building infrastructures that will ensure adequate access to health, educational and recreational opportunities.100 per cent of funds raised by CHANCE are donated to improving the lives of children around the world.

Founded in March 2007, it only took CHANCE one year to raise enough money to ship $250,000 worth of medical equipment and supplies to the Oscar Jandl hospital in the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador. In March 2008, CHANCE’s President, Shannon Tessier and CEO, Lorna Tessier, had the honour of delivering the supplies to Ecuador. This incredible experience allowed them to witness firsthand the difference CHANCE is making.

For the second project, CHANCE formed a partnership with SchoolBox, a Canadian charity that empowers impoverished children through education. Since 2007, SchoolBox has been supporting the children of the Jezreel School in Managua, Nicaragua.

The event will be held at the York Street Spa on Sunday, April 11th, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. For a minimum donation of $30, participants will have the opportunity to enjoy some R&R and refreshments while getting their hair done. Participants will also have the chance to receive free facial consultations, hand massages and free Aveda samples. Raffle prizes will be drawn every hour, on the hour.

CHANCE is dedicated to helping children in Managua, Nicaragua get critical educational opportunities when they otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford it. CHANCE believes that every child should have the opportunity to grow in an environment which fosters learning and development. Donations focused on education are timeless and will benefit the lives of generations of children who will make use of the facilities of the Jezreel Prechool.