Chance Progress Reports
Click here to view our 2010-2012 Progress Report
Click here to view our 2012-2014 Progress Report.
Chance Foundation envisions a world were all children have access to basic health necessities and services. We believe that health is one (of three) pillars which are critical to improving the well-being of underprivileged children worldwide. In pursuit of this goal, Chance Foundation funds and/or leads health-centered projects which are classified as follows; 1) improving access to healthcare facilities, 2) ensuring access to and the dissemination of life-saving technology, 3) facilitating access to regular check-ups with medical professionals, 4) enabling access to basic human needs including clean water and proper nutrition, 5) improving the environment of children living in unsanitary/unhealthy conditions, and 6) funding programs focused on mental health, bullying, nutrition, etc.
Visit our Health Project page to learn more.
Chance Foundation envisions a world were all children have the opportunity to attend school. We believe that education is one (of three) pillars which are critical to improving the well-being of underprivileged children worldwide. In pursuit of this goal, Chance Foundation funds and/or leads education-centered projects which are classified as follows; 1) building and/or adding to existing infrastructure in institutions such as schools or other educational facilities, 2) providing educational supplies and/or operational costs to educational facilities in need, 3) ensuring all children have the means to attend school by providing funds for tuition, school supplies, transportation, uniforms, etc., and 4) funding after school programs and/or youth drop in centers which promote educational activities and provide resources for personal/career development.
Visit our Education Project page to learn more.
Chance Foundation envisions a world were all children have the opportunity to play and be a kid. We believe that recreation is one (of three) pillars that are critical to improving the well-being of underprivileged children worldwide. These recreational activities assist children at risk by promoting empowerment, self-esteem, personal safety, and awareness, while nurturing independence, leadership, social skills, adventure, and environmental awareness. In pursuit of this goal, Chance Foundation funds and/or leads recreation-centered projects which are classified as follows; 1) building and/or adding to existing infrastructure in physical recreation facilities such as parks, sports facilities, or similar recreational grounds, 2) alleviating financial or other barriers to participation in physical activities for children, 3) providing supplies/equipment to physical recreation facilities and/or community sports leagues, 4) improving access to camps or similar activities that promote child development , 5) funding after programs/leagues that promote recreational activities.
Visit our Recreation Project page to learn more.